Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let's Get Back On Track

I feel I may have alienated some people with the last few posts. It had to be done though and I apologize if I offended anyone for so ruthlessly embarrassing THB. However I plan on analyzing the Facebook page of a deeply disturbed individual a lot of people know, a sort of category-by-category breakdown of his interests, movies, and about me musings.

To hold you over until then:

1. The greatest 1 minute of video of all time.

This probably won't mean much to you unless you follow basketball and/or Michael Jordan; for the uninformed, it's a bunch of kids emulating the most famous and iconic plays of Michael Jordan's career exactly. The kid at the 0:16 mark is just hunched over chewing gum but you can immediately recognize the spot-on impersonation. Even the Chinese kid holding the ball out with one hand is an uncanny resemblance. No white people could have done Jordan though? I know I can. The attention to detail in this clip is just extraordinary-

*the "Ehlo" re-enactment even has "Ehlo" throwing his arm in disgust at the exact same moment as the real play.

*the "Jordan last shot against the Jazz in '98" re-enactment has "Byron Russell" slipping in the exact same way as he actually did.

Great song too-- this clip gives me the chills. I'm obsessed with everything Jordan though.

2. I swear to whatever the goddamn hell people are swearing to these days that this is a 100% real and actual quote. I heard this guy say this to his friend while on the subway yesterday:

"Everyone in Brazil has a death squad. It's like Grand Theft Auto every day, man. If you skip out on a taxi driver, he'll get a hitman from his death squad to take you out. It's fuckin' crazy out there, man."

3. A thought: there are all these murders and robberies and horrible acts that are committed around the country every day. It's just awful. But why can't all these murderers and robbers and criminals attack Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church? If you are on tough times and need to rob someone, do it to these guys. I'm speechless over how terrible these people are; the hurt and pain they probably inflict on dead soldiers' families is unimaginable, let alone all the gay people. If you have the stomach for it and an hour to kill, I urge you to watch the documentary on the insane practices of the Phelps family and their church. You can watch the full movie here. I want to do something about this but I don't know what. They're protected under the law due to the freedom of speech. I would be happy if these people were dead.

Here is a preview of the documentary.