Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Steinboscars

I consider myself a movie buff. The reason for this will never be explained, and therefore never understood by anyone. And so we go to my octennial TOP 10 MOVIES OF 2008, in a particular order (from 10 to 1)

10. Traitor

Any movie that stars Don Cheadle is instantly bumped up in my book. He adds a sense of realism to his movies that most other actors can't portray in their performances. And he is very good at choosing befitting roles. Here he plays a Sudanese-American as well as a devout Muslim, who is seemingly caught up in an extensive terrorist plan. While the story and multiple twists can be quite ordinary, the real nature of the acting and the environment in which the movie is shot makes the movie extremely intense throughout. Seeing a terrorist plan unfold from the other side has never been more powerfully displayed. And Jeff Daniels appears in this movie for like 2 minutes!? How random...

"God, public schools are so random."

9. Milk

Even though I expected this movie to be much better - which I translate as its ability to move me emotionally and hopefully not physically ;) - it still is the 9th best movie because of Sean Penn. He was just silly ridiculous in this movie, he became Harvey Milk. I thought he couldn't top his performance in Mystic River, but he did. He should win the Oscar for this, and if he does, it would be his third of this decade if he didn't go full-retard in I Am Sam.

Fun side note: one of the supporting actors in this film, Joseph Cross, was a good friend of my freshman year roommate, and he stayed with us for a weekend. He ended up booting then passing out in our hallway right outside our door. He also played the kid in Desperate Measures, which I found really exciting. In Milk, he gets his weenie sucked. Such range.

8. Iron Man

Just as in Milk, this contains a very ordinary plot but Robert Downey Jr. carries this movie. Also, I thought it was badass how it looked so real when he flew through the air with the fighter jets.

Speaking of badass special effects, I almost wet myself when I saw this. I can barely contain my excitement.

7. Transporter 3

The Honest Bro and I decided we would see this movie, but only after downing six beers each beforehand. Consequently, we had a fantastic time. Sober, this movie is somewhere between a D and a D-.

"Oh no, where did my shirt go!"

6. Bolt

The premise was just too good to fail. A famous dog who has superpowers in a TV show has never been off of the set, and once he finally escapes, he thinks he still has superpowers. And Rhino the Hamster steals this movie right out of Travolta/Bolt's hands in cold-blooded fashion. I see a bright future for this young star. And the 3-D made it really stand out, haha. But seriously, this film even had some "Pixarish" moments with some heart-wrenching scenes. Throw in a climactic musical number and I'm sold.

If everything was animated, there would be no bad acting I tell you.

Numbers 5-1 probably coming tomorrow.

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